A Big Commitment
The state of Vermont released a Phase I Implementation Plan in 2016. This plan provides a broad framework for how phosphorus limits in the TMDL will be met. It includes enhanced regulatory programs, funding and financial incentives, and technical assistance that will help to reduce phosphorus pollution.
The state is also breaking down the effort to reduce phosphorus into more manageable pieces. Its Phase 2 Tactical Basin Plans identify in more detail the priority actions and management practices that will help reduce phosphorus in each of the individual lake segments. These plan are updated every five years.
The EPA assesses both phases of Vermont’s implementation efforts periodically and issue report cards on their progress to ensure accountability.
New York
New York State’s implementation plan is included as part of the original 2002 TMDL approved by the EPA. The plan includes general recommendations for practices to reduce phosphorus inputs from runoff from the landscape. The state expects to release an updated and more detailed implementation plan in 2023.